Monday, August 24, 2009


Today I got to play many was the first day back! I played the typical teacher-frantically trying to get her room "kid ready", the returning teacher-back at the same school, and the new teacher as well. It was so great to walk into the building this morning and see the many familiar faces. I was able to catch up with many colleagues and friends! (That was the returning role) I also was able to get away with attending all of the new teacher meetings. (Obviously...the new teacher role) The best parts about the meetings were that they mentioned things that go on in a school year that I already knew about from being there last year, however this time, I found out why things are done the way they are instead of just being thrown into routines and not knowing the meanings behind them.

Most of today was actually spent in the classroom for me. I spent about 75% of my day organizing the cabinets in the room. It was great to be able to go through all of the supplies and move things where I want them. I also found a ton of new things available to use and decorate the room! I ended up laminating a ton of posters and decorations as well...when it was all done, I had about 25 feet of laminated material to cut out!! Good thing the school laminates for free and also that I have an awesome roommate to help me do the cutting! ;)

I have my class list...and although it is changing probably as we speak, I have a great idea about how many kids will be in my class....VOTE...only 3 days left. ;)

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